Downloads & Software-Updates


Gira Expert


Order No. 0529 00, 2075 00

ZIP, 488.527 Kb

Version: 4.11.3

Date: 25.07.2022



Language variants

Experte Version 4.11.3

System requirements

  • Operating system: Windows 10
  • Free hard drive space: at least 1 GB
  • RAM: at least 2 GB
  • Software platform: at least Microsoft .NET 4.5

Supported devices

The Expert Software 4.11.3 is to be used in conjunction with the following end devices:

  • Gira HomeServer 4
  • Gira FacilityServer 4

Newness and improvement

  • Update of security-critical Debian packages
  • ETS project import optimised: Time-out problem with very large projects fixed

Known errors

  • DCS communicator - Show and Hide commands under Windows 10
  • HomeServer / S1 - camera access from external point does not work correctly
  • HS QC call-up from specific tab via menu item does not work
  • Logic node: “Evaluate forwarding status”
  • S1 Windows Client - HS free visualisation call-up in browser - the certificate is not recognised
  • QC configuration - umlauts in the user name