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Gira Project Assistant (GPA)


ZIP, 1.019.510 Kb


Date: 06.03.2023


Language variants

System requirements

Operating system: Windows 10 with x86/x64 architectures (Intel / AMD)
Free hard drive space: at least 16 GB
RAM: at least 4 GB

Supported firmware versions

With the GPA v5.0, the following device firmware versions can be configured and put into operation:

  • Gira One Server v1.0.1262
  • Gira X1 v2.7.585
  • Gira L1 v2.5.149
  • Gira G1 v3.5.58
  • Gira DCS-IP data interface v1.1.41
  • Gira Alarm Connect security system v2.0.246
  • Gira S1 v6.1.58 for device version I00 and I01
  • Gira S1 v6.1.105 for device version from I02

Please make sure that you always use the device firmware versions in the project that match the GPA version.


OpenVPN and DHCP

The OpenVPN function in the Gira X1 only works in conjunction with DHCP. There must be a DHCP server in the network and the Gira X1 network must be initialised via DHCP and not by means of static IP configuration. This is necessary in order for the OpenVPN server to be able to assign an IP address to connecting clients. Should you wish to always use the Gira X1 with a fixed IP address, you can generally configure the DHCP server (usually part of the Internet router) in such a way that it always assigns the same IP address to the Gira X1.

Gira X1/L1: Saving retentive data

Retentive data is saved by the Gira L1 every 15 minutes. Data may be lost within this time period in the event of power failure.

Gira X1/L1: Provision of physical address requires application download

The Gira X1/L1 offers several physical addresses. When the physical address is programmed within the ETS, only the device address is adopted. The additional addresses are only adopted after downloading the application program.

Gira X1/L1: One-time delay for first event

After project download, the Gira X1/L1 responds to the first event with a delay of approx. 1 second.

Variable data points in the simulation

Values that are written to a variable data point in simulation mode will not be passed on. This only applies to the simulation. The variable data points function as normal on the Gira L1.

Firmware file cannot be added

If an error appears when adding a firmware file stating that the firmware file is not valid, there may be several causes for this, which are resolved as follows:

  • It is not an official firmware file or the file has not been downloaded correctly or fully. In this case, download the firmware file again from
  • Not all the required Windows updates have been installed. In this case, install this update manually: